Company Name | Contact Info | Location | ||||||||||||
İbrahimağa Cad. No: 14 34030 / Bayrampaşa / İSTANBUL / TÜRKİYE
Contact Info: +90 212 612 6800
Hall: 7
Stand: 729/731
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Since 1954, our Company has at all times given priority to innovations by targeting not only the achievable successes, but also the ones seen as non-achievable, and has maintained its well-known and reliable firm image by adapting itself to all changes in its industry in line with the recent global standards.Our number-one target is quality, and our non-concessible priority is to reach and maintain total and absolute customer satisfaction.In line with our objectives, as a first step, we aimed at establishing a peaceful work atmosphere where everyone likes and respects each other and works with job security, and our main principles include to adapt ourselves to all positive developments of the 21. century and be ready for all kinds of technologic innovations and be consistent in our quality and conduct our works and services with a flexible approach with the intention of satisfying all wishes and demands of our customers at all times.
40,60,80 Sheets Stitched Ruled, Squared A5 40,60,80,100,120 Sheets Stitched Ruled, Squared and Plain A4 60,80,100 Sheets Spiral Ruled, Squared and Plain A5 40,60,80,80,100,100,120,160,200 Sheets Spiral Ruled, Squared and Plain A4
60,80,100 Sheets Stitched and Spiral Ruled, Squared A4
120 Sheets Spiral Hard Cover, Ruled, Squared and Plain A4 and C5
120 Sheets Spiral, Ruled, Squared A4 and C5
150 Sheet Spiral, 3 Separators, Ruled, Squared, A4, C5 and A6
40 Sheet Spiral A4, A5 and A6 Carton Cover Sketchbook
100 Sheet Spiralli A3 - A4 - A5 96 Ciltli A3 - A4 - A5
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